
Malva Christmas Pudding
Malva Pudding is a rich South African dessert that has Cape Dutch origins and is commonly made around Christmas time. The name in Afrikaans is malvapoeding, which literally means marshmallow pudding. This probably comes from the pudding’s fluffy texture! Ingredients: 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter2 cups sugar1/3 cup apricot jam2 eggs2 cups self raising flour2/3 Tbsp. baking soda1 cup milk2 Tbsp. vinegarPinch of salt Method: Cream together butter and sugar. Fold in jam. Whisk eggs and add to mixture. Dissolve baking

Thankful Green Bean Casserole
As American as apple pie, this festive staple for Thanksgiving can easily be made with the help of little hands! In this recipe, we are definitely “thankful” for can openers. 🙂 Ingredients: 3 (10.5 oz) cans cut green beans 2 (14.5 oz) cans condensed cream of mushroom soup 1 (2.8 oz) can crispy fried onions Directions: Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine green beans and soup into casserole dish. Bake (until bubbly!) in oven for 25-30 minutes, adding the

Treacle Parkin Bonfire Night Recipe
Remember, Remember the Fifth of November! November 5th is Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes’ Day) in the United Kingdom! In honour of the foiled plot of Guy Fawkes to blow up Parliament in 1605, the Brits enjoy lighting up an effigy of the legend. Often villages will host carnivals and shoot off fireworks into the crisp night air. Equally British is the tradition of eating treacle in various “pudding” (the British term for dessert) dishes. Parkin is a Yorkshire delicacy

Jolly Gelato!
As we continue into the heat of June (at least for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere!), why not stop off for a gelato in Italy?! You know the old saying: When at home, do as….the Romans do? This easy, breezy gelato recipe is sure to bring a taste of Italy into your home. Did you know?: Gelato and ice cream both use the same ingredients – milk, cream, eggs, and sugar. Ice cream has more cream than milk…and gelato

Cool-as-a-Cucumber Summer Tzatziki Dip
This Greek yogurt-cucumber sauce, typically used in Mediterranean dishes, makes a delightfully tangy dip perfect for the summer heat! Try adding fresh mint, garlic, and maybe a squeeze of lemon to taste! Ingredients: 2/3 cup peeled and finely diced cucumber 1 cup plain yogurt, stirred until smooth 1 small clove garlic, minced 2 Tbsp fresh mint, chopped (about 8-10 sprigs) 2 Tbsp olive oil 1/4 tsp salt Pepper to taste Directions: 1. Combine all the ingredients into a mixing bowl

Grandma’s (American) Goulash
Now, don’t let the title fool you… Grandma definitely made traditional Hungarian goulash (complete with smoky Hungarian paprika), but this American adaptation was a favorite of mine as a child. Many might not realize that the dish was brought over to America by way of Hungarian immigrants, where it morphed from a stew into a one-pot noodle dish made with readily available ingredients. There’s lots of room for adding your own spices or vegetarian options, too! INGREDIENTS: 1 – 16